Google Adsense | A Complete Guide For Beginners
Google Adsense
is the leading online publisher advertising network and almost every
regular internet user knows about it but when I researched about some
hot topics on the internet using Google Adword Keyword tool, found a lot
of people search "what is Google Adsense" that
indicates a lot of people don't know about Google Adsense. So I have
decided to write a Complete Guide for Google Adsense. In the article I
will talk about some of these main topics :
1. What is Google Adsense
2. How to fill correct postal address in Google Adsense sign up form
3. How to get quick approval for Google Adsense account
4. How To make money with Google Adsense
5. How to increase Adsense revenue
6. Top Adsense revenue sharing sites
2. How to fill correct postal address in Google Adsense sign up form
3. How to get quick approval for Google Adsense account
4. How To make money with Google Adsense
5. How to increase Adsense revenue
6. Top Adsense revenue sharing sites

1. What is Google Adsense
- Google Adsense is the leading online advertising network that provides relevant ads to bloggers and website owners. With Google Adsense ads, bloggers and website owners make money. Google Adsense shows relevant ads on their site and when someone clicks on ads site owner makes money through Google Adsense. Google Adsense keeps 32% ad revenue for content ads. Google pays to publishers(site owners) on monthly basis if Adsense account balance over than or equal to $100.
Payments are made on net 30 days basis that means if someone earns $125 in January, he/she will get payment at the end of February. Google Adsense offers different types of payment method such as- check, electronic fund transfer etc. Google adsense provides different types of ads such as- Adsense for content, Adsense for search, Adsense for Video, Google Adsense for games, Adsense for domains and Adsense mobile ads. Google Adsense pays $0.01 to $5.00 per click. The rate may vary due to geographical location of users' click, ad placement and advertisers budget.
2. How to fill correct postal address in Google Adsense sign up form ?
- Many people are declined by Google Adsense every day due to incorrect postal address. I had also been declined by Google adsense 6 times for incorrect postal address. Incorrect postal address doesn't mean filling incorrect postal address in sign up form. It means you have to fill postal address in the correct format as Google Adsense show in its forum. If you don't fill your postal address in the same format (style) you will be declined by Google Adsense. Read more about how to fill correct postal address into Adsense sign up form?
3. How to get quick approval for Google Adsense account ?
- A lot of people cannot make money with Google Adsense because they don't have Adsense account. Usually Google Adsense doesn't approve any website with very bad content and poor search engine ranking with low traffic if someone applies directly. If you apply for Google Adsense account directlyyou may have to wail for a long time but when you apply for it from third party service you can get approval easily & quickly without wasting your time. You don't need to register your website because you will sign up for Adsense from third party websites. Here I have listed some website you can get quick approval from there:
4. How To make money with Google Adsense ?
- You can make decent money online with Google adsense by creating your own website or blog. You can also make money by creating your free blog with blogger. You can earn money by uploading your own videos on YouTube. Google Adsense offers various method of earning online which are:
Making Money with Google Adsense Content Ads- You can make money with Google adsense by showing ads on your website or blog. It is the very popular method of earning online without getting scammed. Google can pay you very high cpc rate that you won't get from any online ad network.
Making Money With Google Search Ads- You can also make money with your site's search box. When your visitors will visit your website and use search box finding something Google will show relevant ads on the search result of your website. You can also make a separate website using Google custom search so that when people come to your search engine ( separate website for Google custom search ads) to find something, you can make money. For example you can visit because it is the best example of Google custom search.
Google Adsense for Videos You can earn decent money with video ads. You can upload quality and original videos to make money with Google ads. When people watch your videos Google ads will appear on the screen.
Google Ads for Games- You can also earn money with Game ads. If you can create your own games you can earn huge revenue from it by putting your adsense ads.
5. How to increase Adsense revenue-
- Increasing adsense revenue is one of the most popular queries that are asked by bloggers and website owners. A lot of people cannot make sufficient money online with Google Adsense because they don't know how Google rates any website or blog to serve high cpc rate ads. I have seen many bloggers who are always complaining that they don't get even $2 or $3 ecpm ( Earning per thousand page views ). If you are one of them you can follow these steps to increase your Adsense revenue up to 200%. Usually Google Adsense earning depends on some of these main factors :
* Geographical location of your visitors
* Click through rate that means how many clicks your website generates
* Website content that means your site categories
* Advertiser's budget
* Placement of ads because if you place ads on the top of your website you can get high cpc rate because premium advertisers will notice your ad space.
* Daily content update- This is the biggest & secret method. If you publish or update your site regularly you can see your increased cpc rate. Many bloggers don't know about it but it is also the main factor.
6. Top adsense revenue sharing sites
- Once you have got Google adsense account you can start making money online with your own site or without having any website or blog. There are many adsense sharing websites that offer guest bloggers to make money with their articles. If you can write articles on adsense revenue sharing sites you can make money with your Google adsense account by putting your adsense PID ( publisher ID).